Thursday, 30 October 2008

Norman the Gnome meets Heartbeat

Well, as you can see, I'm back in North Yorkshire.

I got a lift home in a police car with Heartbeat's PC Younger! Woweeee!
PC Younger wished me well with my boy band - Gnomes 'R' Loud, and I think he will come and see us perform when I get the band put together.

He is my Hero . . . and I think he's Ellen's Hero too ;-)

The production team was so impressed with me, they asked me to hang around and be an 'extra'. So . . . I have spent a very different afternoon - filming - in the arms of Jane.

Does this mean I have celebrity status already?
There was a downside though. I'd forgotten how cold it is in North Yorkshire. Us poor extras were frozen. But the warmth of everybody made up for it. Can't remember when I last met such nice people.

(Trust my buddy Nev to get in on the act. Seems he had climbed into a tree to wait for me and the sharp eye of the law spotted him. PC Younger kept a close eye on him. But Nev wasn't going to move. He had the best vantage point to watch all of the action.)

Ellen sends her special thanks to Andrew, Chris, Jane, and the utterly charming Steve Blakely.

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